
I have finished in 1999 my technician studies in Electronics and Microprocessor Systems at the Technical School of Santa Catarina (ETFSC). I have obtained my undergraduate degree in Electronics Systems at CEFET-SC in 2007 and a Master Business Administration (MBA) in Business Management at Univali in 2012. Later, I have obtained my Master Degree in Mechatronics at the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina (IFSC) in 2016. Currently, I am a PhD student at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) in the Graduate Program in Automation and Systems Engineering, planning to defend my thesis in 2021.

I have worked a total of 15 years on the electronics industry at my own company and later at Automatiza which was bought by Intelbras SA in 2013. During this period I have worked as a hardware and software designer and Manager of Research & Development (R&D). Since 2016, I am Lecturer in the Telecommunications area at Federal Institute of Santa Catarina (IFSC) teaching programming languages, embedded systems and telecommunication projects.

My research interests are Organisations and Programming Tools for Multi-Agent Systems (MAS), Distributed Systems, Machine Learning and Programming Languages.

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